Genetically Tailored to You

Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

The Key
to Success

If you struggle to lose weight, you are not alone. We are proud to offer medical weight loss plans to help you succeed.

Unmonitored weight loss plans, diets, and exercise programs simply do not help in knocking off those extra pounds. Why? They rarely take the required comprehensive approach that a medically supervised weight loss program will provide.

There is hope! You may think that you’ve exhausted all weight loss options, but we are here to help you meet your goals.

Enjoy Health and Lifestyle Benefits

  • Possible health benefits include lower blood mark values, decreased risk of certain cancers, improved blood
    sugars, improved inflammation markers, reduced migraines, and less joint pain.
  • Possible lifestyle benefits include better sleep, improved energy, greater confidence, decreased stress,
    improved body image, increased stamina, and clearer, brighter skin.

Customized Plans Include:

Medically supervised prescription therapies which may include:

  • appetite suppressants
  • insulin sensitizing drug (such as GLP-1 agonists)
  • nutritional supplementation to increase metabolism

Weight Loss Services:

We are here to help you reach your goals!

Plan 1

  • One (1) 30-minute Monthly Consultation
  • One (1) Fit-3D Body Scan
  • One (1) Slim Shot
  • Nutritional Guidelines
  • Workout Guides
  • 3-Month Agreement

Plan 2

  • Two (2) 30-minute Monthly Consultations
  • Two (2) Fit-3D Body Scan
  • Two (2) Slim Shot
  • Nutritional Guidelines
  • Workout Guides
  • Personalized Food Plan
  • Access To Your Health Coach As Needed
  • 3-Month Agreement

Enjoy Health and Lifestyle Benefits

  • Possible health benefits include lower blood mark values, decreased risk of certain cancers, improved blood
    sugars, improved inflammation markers, reduced migraines, and less joint pain.
  • Possible lifestyle benefits include better sleep, improved energy, greater confidence, decreased stress,
    improved body image, increased stamina, and clearer, brighter skin.

Get Your Customized Weight Loss Plan!